Please pray for my cousin Stacie. She has MS and has discovered that her antibodies are off the charts. This means that the medicine that she has been taking to lessen her MS symptoms is not working. Her doctor from the Mayo Clinic advised her to stop taking the medicine she is currently on. She is only left with three choices: Chemotherapy(which would make her really sick and only mask her symptoms), not taking any medicine(and living with a lot of MS symptoms), or a medicine called Tysabri that is notorious for killing people(it was taken off the market and is now back on). She is young and has a young daughter. Please pray for her, as this is not an easy situation to be in.
Here's a funny story about Stacie. When she was a teenager she decided to wrap a present at Christmas time. She found this really cool paper with Santa on it. So, she cut it up and wrapped the present. When her mom went looking for her Vintage Santa poster, she knew she had accidently wrapped the present with it. I guess it wasn't to funny at the time, but it's REALLY funny now. I know you appreciate me telling a lot of people this story! I could actually start a blog called: Funny things that Stacie did when she was little! We love you and we are praying for you!