Thursday, October 02, 2008

It's been a long day...I am tired and emotional. Fischer is doing pretty well considering the situation. It breaks my heart that for 9 months we have been telling him he could hold his little brother, and he hasn't even seen him but for a few minutes. He either has really bad allergies or a cold and he isn't even allowed in the NICU waiting room. He sometimes asks, "Where's my baby?" My mom shows him pictures and we reassure him that he will get to hold him soon. Today he went putt putting with Franklin so I know he had a good time.

Garrison continues to be stable. The doctor said this morning that he would possibly be weened off of the vent today or tomorrow. I don't think it will happen today, but I want them to take it slow and be cautious. They weened him off of his sedation but continue to give him morphine for pain. He was given some of my milk through a tube in his nose. This of course made me extremely happy...knowing that he at least won't be hungry. They will give him this every 2-3 hours. Thank you for your prayers.

Franklin and I are sitting in the hospital room waiting for our dinner...the room's walls are closing in on me. I imagine I will live in the NICU for the next week or so after I am discharged tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has visited and sent flowers. We love all of you and can't wait to share Garrison with you!!!


sis said...

Just thinking of you Tracy. The valleys in ours lifes, make the mountain tops more wonderful, and your mountain top is coming up soon. We are praying and we believe in prayers.
Love you, Grandpa and Nana

The 5 of Us. said...

You know they can give you a hospitality (sp) room for free. That is want they did for me with Brianna. I couldn't leave her there. So, they gave me a room with all my food and everything. FREE. We will be praying for you!!!